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Iron Sharpens Iron

We Are Stronger Together

Who We Are

Here at Iron Sharpens Iron, we focus on rehabilitation and mentorship programs for individuals affected by the justice system. Our programs aim to break the cycle of incarceration and provide support to those incarcerated through mentorship and experience. Mentors, who all have previously been incarcerated themselves, serve as positive role models and offer guidance to both currently incarcerated individuals and at-risk youth. Our goal is to promote personal growth, reduce recidivism, and address the root causes of criminal behavior.


To empower and transform the lives of inner-city youth and those incarcerated through mentorship, guidance, and support. We create a positive and nurturing environment that fosters personal growth, educational advancement, discovering potential, building life skills, and successful reintegration into society.


To build a community where every inner-city youth and incarcerated individual has access to the resources and opportunities needed to achieve their full potential. We envision a future where these individuals can break the cycle of disadvantage, unlock their inherent strengths, and become confident, resilient, and productive members of society.


See What We Do

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